What is a daifuku 大福 ?

Daifuku is a type of wagashi ; Japanese traditional confectionery, consisting of mochi wrapped around sweet adzuki red bean paste or other fillings. Daifukumochi is made by glutinous rice flour called “Shiratamako”.

What is shiratamako 白玉粉?

Shiratamako is glutinous rice flour and the most common use of it is Shiratama dango. It is the key to create any types of wagashi.

Where does our shiratamako made from?

We import from Akita, Japan.

Akita prefecture in Tohoku is one of the best places for rice production and sake production. It is also famous for its clean water resources and mild climate. That makes great quality rice and sake. Our shiratamako is made of 100% Akita rice.

Wholesale enquiry admin@itteki.au

Shiratamako made in Japan